Monday, February 15, 2010

Vcds , dvds , blueray n bookstores

Things are sure looking bleak for video shops in malaysia . It takes just around 4 hours to download a movie via torrent .

Apart from piracy issues, here are some facts that seems to highlight the gloomy outlook of such businesses in Malaysia .

- dl movies have even better translation than the localized originals here . Look at Bleach for eg , the xxxbayo dls translations are better

- lousy quality on localized original. I buy original as much as I can . Its pretty disappointed that some cheap originals have utterly inferior quality . Take Twilight for eg , that local company that produce it is terrible . The show is lacking in contrast and has smudged colors . A friend of mine who decides to dl got a much better quality.

- Malaysian censorship . Dl movies are not censored , the local rebranded originals are. Nobody likes a tampered original .

I guess bookstores are finding it hard to survive too with all those ebooks illegal copies floating around and the crappy moral values of the new generation that believes anything u can dl for free is ok since u don't get caught aka stealing.

Its a repulsive sight to see how some would just take up magazines and read it all the way without buying . Some folks even mishandled mags n books while reading so much so that no one would buy it at that condition.


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