Monday, June 23, 2008

Visual C++ BrainBench Certification

I boldly went and took the Visual C++ BrainBench Certification without preparing myself in any refreshment task. I am very much caught in a surprise as i notice that the Visual C++ BrainBench actually means Windows programming in C++ , that includes OLE/COM, WndProc from scratch, device context and loads of other stuffs which frankly i have not been coding these natively but took the easy IDE way out.

It was a good test i must admit, it reveals to me how much i have taken for granted the advance tools and how much less i remembered of these subjects.

Here are the results anyway ( :-( scored within 3.x python was 3.3, i was expecting a 4.x for a familiar language): BrainBench Visual C++ supervised :

Results for xxxxx

Test Takers Email: xxxxx

Date Taken: 23-Jun-2008
Test Event ID: ZC11178-CKQSJHX6

Overall Score: 3.56
Weights: 100% Visual C++
Elapsed time: 53 min 9 sec
Visual C++
Score 3.56
Percentile : Scored higher than 85% of previous examinees

Proficiency Level:
Advanced (Master)

Demonstrates a clear understanding of many advanced concepts within this topic. Appears capable of mentoring others on most projects in this area.

Strong Areas
General C++ Language
General Windows Programming

Weak Areas
None noted


  1. Hi,

    Can you please guide a bit more on how to prepare for the Brainbench VC++ certification . I work mainly on Win32 SDK and do not have an exp on other advanced topics .

    Thanks in advance.


  2. Praveen,
    VC++, mostly is the SDK stuffs, especially GUI apis . Work on this and it should be ok.
    There are some other COM and OLE topics that u must at least know some extent though not extensively. Nothing much will be tested on the C
    ++ language itself.

  3. Hi,
    Thanks a lot for your response. For the last one week I have also been working on the ActiveX Control using SDK. I hope it will go along the lines as you have suggested for COM.

    Please keep providing your valuable suggestions.Thanks again.


  4. Hi, I would like to know are there any BrainBench test center in Malaysia because I want to take a test too.

  5. Hi Huahsin68, Brainbench certification is offered by DeltaKnot International (DKI) in Malaysia. You can contact and get more info.
