Friday, February 19, 2010

Programmer’s Friend : Suunto T1

Its common knowledge that programmers tend to sit long hours in front of the computer and have next to zero amount of sports activity. Esp in countries like Malaysia or Thailand, jogging outside your house tantamount to suicide, given the kind emission rules around here.

Thus, its very important that programmers stays fit and indoor exercise is something that you don’t like but u need it gravely.

I found a real cheap way to exercise in house, get a Suunto T1 watch and that is basically your “profiler” so whatever “unit test” you do to your body, the T1 will profile and show you if what you did is indeed “enough” or your just fooling yourself.

With this watch, you can buy those much cheaper exercise equipment that does not comes with yet another heart rate monitor and i can tell you, the T1 and the belt gives the most accurate monitoring anyway.

Basically its a heart rate monitor that allows personalized settings like age, weight, height so that it can recommend a suitable heart rate that you should achieved and work on.

Recently after changing both the batteries on the watch and the strap i realize its no longer functioning. The website FAQ says “code not found” is bad news and i need to reset the belt and try again.

Well, here is something that the manual and website didn’t tell you.

You need to change the batteries in the BELT FIRST, before you change the batteries in the WATCH.  By doing this sequence, the watch will figure out that it needs to find the belt with a new code and will accept whatever code the belt is sending out.

Now, go on …run the unit test.


  1. Thank you very much for sharing this info. I almost throw this belt away...

  2. Still does not work on my watch... A bit strange, my watch just came back from service, and I did not have the problem before I sent it. The belt was not in for service. Should I put in the battery with the positive side in and close the watch? It cannot be something wrong with my belt when other machines can read the signal, can it?
